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Week 3.7 - Goal Setting Summary

Today we will be covering what you should have ready for our final week.

#1 - Overall goal (blog 1.2)

By the end of week 1 you should have set what your priorities are - this can be in a list format or a spider diagram.

#2 - Calories calculated (blog 2.2)

Using the formula I showed in week 2, you should have the total amount of calories a day you need to either lose, gain or maintain weight.

#3 - Macronutrient split calculated (blog 2.7)

Again, using the calculation you should know how much protein, carbs and fats you need. You can always refer to week 2 if you need it.

#4 - Set at least one NEAT goal (blog 2.6)

We covered this in week 2 but you should have at least 1 goal to be healthier in everyday life.

#5 - Set a workout plan by day in the week (blog 3.1 & 3.2)

By each day of the week you should know what you are planning to train and the exercises you want to train.

#6 - Set 1 or more training goal (blog 3.5)

You should have a goal which is related to your overall goal set in week 1.

#7 - Additional CVT or training goal (blog 3.6)

If you are going to add stretching, CVT or additional activity to help your main goals you should have this written down.

What to do next?

Write them down! Keep them somewhere you can see them and get ready to smash it!

Be your best!

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