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Week 2.3 - Macronutrients Explained

Today we will be covering some key facts and figures about macronutrients, we will cover the following:

. What are the 4 macronutrients

. Protein

. Carbohydrates

. Fats

. Water

What are the 4 macronutrients?

. Protein

. Carbohydrates

. Fats

. Water (technically isn't one but I like to see it as important)


The building blocks of the body, protein is an important component of every cell in the body. Hair and nails are mostly made of protein. Your body uses protein to build and repair tissues. You also use protein to make enzymes, hormones, and other body chemicals. Protein is an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood.

Where do I get protein?

. Dairy products

. Eggs

. Fish

. Meat

. Poultry

. Beans, lentils, peas and nuts

. Barley, bulgar, oats, rice and breads

. Tofu

. Quorn

How much should I eat?

. As a rough guideline you should consume:

Bodyweight (kg) x 1.2 = grams of protein

Facts and figures:

. Protein has 4 calories per gram (same as carbohydrates)

. Does not make you bulky - improves recovery

. Requires x2 amount of calories to digest - increases metabolism

. Helps protect from muscle loss

. Difficult to digest, additional fiber may be needed in diet

. Small amounts of protein in green vegetables


Carbohydrates are a primary source of food your body uses for energy. These include simple carbohydrates (such as honey, table sugar, and high-fructose corn syrup), as well as complex carbohydrates. Complex carbs include starches (such as bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes) and dietary fiber (found in fruits and vegetables, nuts, and whole grains).

Where do I get carbohydrates?

. Grains

. Vegetables

. Peas, beans, lentils and legumes

. Seeds

. Cereals

. Potatoes

. Fruit (Simple)

. Milk (Simple)

. Sugar and honey (Simple)

How much should I eat?

. Government studies suggest around 50% of your diet should come from carbohydrates:

Average 2000 calorie diet - 250g/day

Facts and figures:

. Carbs has 4 calories per gram (same as protein)

. Your #1 source of fuel - eat for energy

. 2 types of carbohydrate; Simple and complex

. Simple releases intense and short-term energy

. Complex releases less intense and longer-term energy

. Vegetables are carbohydrates but highly nutritious and fibrous carb.

. Don't be scared of carbohydrates, if you are focusing on fat loss - daily calorie intake is the key. Not carbs, they are often the first to get reduced and not necessarily the best thing to do.


Fats are substances that help the body use some vitamins and keep the skin healthy; they are also the main way the body stores energy. In food, there are many types of fats -- saturated, unsaturated, polyunsaturated, monounsaturated, and trans fats. Fats are incredibly important to brain and central nervous system (CNS) function.

Where do I get fats?

. Avocado

. Fish

. Eggs

. Nuts

. Oils

. Cheese

How much should I eat?

. As a rough guideline you should consume 20-30% of your daily calories in healthy fats:

Average 2000 calorie diet = 44g/day

Facts and figures:

. Fat has 9 calories per gram (double of protein and carbohydrates) - very calorie dense

. Full of essential vitamins and minerals

. Source of protein

. Good fats reduce cholesterol

. Essential for healthy brain and nervous system


Water is essential for living, simply put it is a wonder liquid - here are some benefits:

. Carrying nutrients and oxygen to your cells

. Flushing bacteria from your bladder

. Aiding digestion

. Preventing constipation

. Normalizing blood pressure

. Stabilizing the heartbeat

. Cushioning joints

. Protecting organs and tissues

. Regulating body temperature

. Maintaining electrolyte (sodium) balance.

How much should I drink?

As a rule you should do the wee test:

I suggest that daily consumption should be at least:

Women - 2.7ltr (>3ltr if exercising)

Men - 3.7ltr (>4ltr if exercising)

Be your best!

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