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Week 1.4 - What to train?

Today we will be covering what to train and how to train.

What to train?

A complete workout plan should incorporate as many muscle groups as possible over a 7 day period, we will be discussing more about training splits and programming in week 3 but the below are the larger muscle groups that should be programmed specifically in your training schedule:

. Quadriceps (Legs)

. Hamstrings (Legs)

. Calves (Legs)

. Glutes (Legs/torso)

. Abdominals (Torso)

. Chest

. Shoulders

. Back

. Arms (Triceps and Biceps)

Obviously there are many more muscle groups that I have missed in the above but training major muscle groups trigger the additional smaller muscle groups.

How to train these muscle groups?

Mixing training methods improves overall development of the muscle, this could include some of the following:

. Compound exercises (Exercises that train numerous muscle groups at the same time)

. Isolation exercises (Focusing on a single muscle group)

. Stability exercises (Single legged and balance coordinated exercises)

. Flexibility exercises (Develops the range of movement of a muscle group)

What method is best for me?

Here are some examples below, they are somewhat vague as each individual will have individual needs.

Beginner - Compound and Stability

Intermediate - Compound, isolation and stability

Advanced - All 4

Injury rehab/imbalance - Compound, Stability and Flexibility

Bodybuilding - Compound & Isolation

Powerlifting - Compound and Flexibility

As you can see compound exercises are in all of the above, this is because they are the most important exercises you can perform. Some examples are the following:

. Squat

. Deadlift

. Bench Press

. Standing Shoulder Press

. Pull Up


As discussed it is important to remember the following:

. Compounds are the king of exercises

. Train all muscle groups at least once in a week

. Mix up training methods to develop the muscle thoroughly

. Each individual requires different methods of training

Note - If you are unsure if you have any imbalances or weaknesses, please contact a personal trainer or physiotherapist. Either will be able to screen your body movements and identify any weaknesses.

Be your best!

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