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Week 3.2 - Exercise Selection

Now that you know the training split that works for you, we need to discuss the exercises that will build the workouts.

Today we will cover the following:

. What muscles groups in each split?

. Types of exercise

. How to build your session

. How many sets in a week?

. Major muscle group exercise examples

- Quadriceps

- Hamstrings

- Calves

- Glutes

- Core/abdominal

- Lower back (Erector and lower lats)

- Upper back (Upper lats, rhomboid and traps)

- Chest

- Shoulder

- Biceps

- Triceps

What muscles are in each split?

Each split has certain muscle groups involved, I have listed the major and minor muscle groups. When designing your program you should have an exercise for each of these:

As you will see some of these have less muscle groups in comparison to others, this means the workouts are more specific. To fill a workout and get the full benefits, you may need to do 2 or more exercises per muscle group.

Types of exercise

There are two main forms that you should focus on:

. Compound exercise

- An exercise that involve multiple joints and muscle groups

- Examples are squats & bench press

. Isolation exercise

- An exercise that involves one muscle group with minimal joint recruitment

- Examples are bicep curl & lateral raises

How to build your session

You should focus on the following order:

- Compound on major muscle groups

- Isolation on minor muscle groups

- Isolation or additional exercise on weak areas

We will have a look at total sets but you shouldn't over-train per session, a good example would be full body sessions. Doing 5 compound exercises on the 5 major muscle groups would be too much so you may have to change the exercises/muscle groups per session.

How many sets in a week?

I will now lay out the target range of sets per muscle group:

Major muscle groups

. 9-15 weekly sets

Minor muscle groups

. 0-9 weekly sets

Note - This would be the ideal set range for each muscle group, if you can only do 1 or 2 sessions a week this will very tough to achieve so you may have to reduce the target set range.

Note - At the start, try the lowest set range and build up slowly. We will cover this more in week 4.

Major muscle group exercise examples

Note - these are example exercises. You will also notice some compound exercises train multiple muscle groups so they will come up multiple times.

I will now list the muscle groups with an example of the following:

C - Compound exercise

I - Isolation exercise

B - Beginner exercise

E - Expert exercise

- Quadriceps

C - Squat

I - Leg Extension

B - Leg Press

E - Pistol Squat

- Hamstrings

C - Deadlift and Romanian deadlift (RDL)

I - Hamstring curl

B - Romanian deadlift

E - Nordic Curls

- Calves

C -

I - Calf Raise

B - Calf Raise

E - Single legged calf raise

- Glutes

C - Glute bridge

I - Hip Abduction

B - Floor glute bridges

E - Single legged glute bridge

- Core/abdominal

C - Most compound exercises, especially squat & deadlift

I - Plank & dead bug

B - Plank

E - Plank twists

- Lower back (Erector and lower lats)

C - Deadlift

I - Hyperextension

B - Back extension

E - Good mornings

- Upper back (Upper lats, rhomboid and traps)

C - Pull Up

I - Lat pulldown

B - Seated row machine

E - Pull Up

- Chest

C - Bench Press

I - Chest fly

B - Chest press machine

E - Plyometric press ups

- Shoulder

C - Standing shoulder press

I - Rear raise/lateral raise

B - Seated shoulder press machine

E - Single arm shoulder press

- Biceps

C - Row or chin ups (back exercise)

I - Bicep curl

B - Supported bicep curl machine

E - Chin up

- Triceps

C - Bench press with a narrower grip (Chest exercise)

I - Tricep extensions

B - Seated tricep extensions

E - Dips with narrower grip

Note - Minor muscle groups like bicep & triceps are worked in compound exercises so unless you want to increase strength/growth these will be trained by compound exercises

Be your best!

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