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Week 1.3 - Where to train?

Training can be done anywhere, this seems like the easiest answer but it is completely true however there are some tailored environments for certain individuals. Today I will list several examples and who it would benefit.

Commercial Gym

The staple for most fitness enthusiasts, blending a mixture of resistance, free weight, cardiovascular, class and health/spa.

Who would benefit?

Everyone - as stated above it has everything most people would need to start and maintain a fitness regime.


. Dumbbells usually limited to around 50kg so if you are a powerhouse of strength, specialist strength gyms may be your go to.

. If you are new to a gym - reach out to staff to give you a tour and join classes, they will have lots of similar minded people to befriend.


Privacy and convenience all in one

Who would benefit?

New starters - without gym equipment you can start bodyweight exercises, light cardio and stretching at home. Fantastic to start with but difficult to progress from bodyweight without buying additional equipment.


. To buy additional equipment is a pricy venture, the standard price for plates is £1/kg so you may be looking at around £50 for a bar and 30kg of plates. You will ultimately out-grow these and require constant additions, it may be worth getting a gym membership.

. Bands, kettlebells and dumbbells can add intensity to your workout, if you are happy to maintain current fitness levels - this will be more than sufficient for your needs.


Fresh air and nature, can't get much better than that!

Who would benefit?

Fat loss and fitness individuals - cardiovascular training is tailored for the outdoors, going out for a walk or run is a great way to increase the heart rate.


. Very similar to home, you can increase your heart rate but doing resistance training will be difficult in this environment.

. Again great for cardiovascular training plus the benefits of increased vitamin D from the sun, going outdoors is always a better option than driving to a gym to then walk on a treadmill.


Meet new people, train with a fitness professional and grow your confidence

Would would benefit?

New starters - meeting new people and getting expert assistance is a great starting point to your new fitness journey

Bored people - fitness may seem tedious for some people and probably quite lonely. If you would like to mix up your training, try something new or include a social element classes will work a treat.


. Not all instructors are equal - when you hear the phrase "Oh that instructor is amazing" there is usually some truth to it. Read reviews, speak to people and read descriptions - it will improve your experience.

. Don't feel the need to keep up with the fittest and don't starve yourself - I have taught 100's of hours of classes and I would be a rich man if I had a pound for every time someone got lightheaded, sick or got too sore. Look after yourself and pace yourself.


. Aerobics - improves stamina and coordination

. Circuit training - strength & cardio stations with time spent on each station

. HIIT/fat burns - interval based training (see more in 1.1 blog)

. Kettlebell - high repetition kettlebell work focused on full body training

. Yoga - full body stretch and coordination with a focus on breathing techniques

. Bootcamps - similar to circuit training but usually working in a group or couples

. Tone - high repetition work, usually full body

. Abs - shorter classes based solely on torso exercises

Clubs and sports

Perfect way to learn a new skill, meet new people, become part of community and get fitter & stronger

Who would benefit?

Anyone - improving coordination is often difficult in a gym environment unless you aim specifically for that development. Playing hand to eye, physical or coordinated sports develop the bodies ability to perform specific tasks in a efficient manner.

Lonely individuals - team sports allow you to meet up with new people and be part of a group.

Confused about fitness - a lot of sports have strict rules and required movements, this will provide structure to your training which will benefit your progression.


. Financial investments - most sports and clubs require financially contribution so be wary that you may have to pay to be part.

. Equipment costs - racket sports, golf and team sports usually require you to have the relevant equipment or team colours.

. Doesn't have to be a sport - there are a lot of running & walking clubs out there, it doesn't always have to be a sport. Do some research and try out something new, most places do trial sessions.


There are 5 common places and ways to train - some of which are guided and some which are not.

Commercial Gym - Unguided most of the time

Home - Unguided unless following program or DVD

Outdoor - Unguided unless part of a bootcamp class

Classes - Guided throughout however individual attention is limited as it is a group setting

Club or sport - Guided throughout with set rules to help understanding.

Be your best!

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