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Nutrition week - Fats

Hello all, welcome to ACPT's nutrition week. Throughout the week there will be tips, recipes, facts and figures about all aspects of nutrition. Each day will have a certain topic of nutrition so make sure you stay tuned in to receive all the best information!

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Today we will be covering FATS!

What are fats?

Fats are substances that help the body use some vitamins and keep the skin healthy; they are also the main way the body stores energy. In food, there are many types of fats -- saturated, unsaturated, polyunsaturated, monounsaturated, and trans fats. Fats are incredibly important to brain and central nervous system (CNS) function.

Where do I get fats?

. Avocado

. Fish

. Eggs

. Nuts

. Oils

. Cheese

How much should I eat?

. As a rough guideline you should consume 20-30% of your daily calories in healthy fats:

Average 2000 calorie diet = 44g/day

Facts and figures:

. Fat has 9 calories per gram (double of protein and carbohydrates) - very calorie dense

. Full of essential vitamins and minerals

. Source of protein

. Good fats reduce cholesterol

. Essential for healthy brain and nervous system

One of my favorite recipes:

Avocado chicken salad

Ingredients - Serves 2 _______________ 170 g / 6 oz chicken breasts 1 avocado 50 g / 1.8 oz red onion 1 tsp ground cumin 1 lime 15 g / ½ oz fresh cilantro (coriander) Sea salt Pepper Whole wheat pita bread Tomato Mixed greens Steps ______ 1. If you're using raw chicken, cook it first. Place the cooked chicken in a food processor and pulse blend until you have a shredded yet chunky mixture. 2. In a bowl, mash up avocado, diced red onion, cilantro, cumin, fresh lime, sea salt and pepper. 3. Toss in the shredded chicken, then mash and mix together one last time. 4. Stuff a wholewheat pitta with mixed greens, tomato slices and the avocado chicken salad. Enjoy! Nutrition _________ Approx macros for 1 serving of chicken salad without bread Calories 290 Carbs 10g Fat 16g Protein 28g Sugar 2g Fiber 7g

The recipe can be found on the following website:

Be your best!

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